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Title: Possibility of using the piezoceramic PZT-19 in pyroelectric X-ray generators
Authors: Vokhmyanina, K. A.
Ivashchuk, O. O.
Ionidi, V. Yu.
Kaplii, A. A.
Kishchin, I. A.
Klyuev, A. S.
Kubankin, A. S.
Nazhmudinov, R. M.
Nikulin, I. S.
Oleinik, A. N.
Sotnikov, A. V.
Keywords: physics
piezoelectric ceramic
pyroelectric effect
pyroelectric X-ray generators
X-ray radiation
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Possibility of using the piezoceramic PZT-19 in pyroelectric X-ray generators / K.A. Vokhmyanina, O.O. Ivashchuk, Ionidi V.Yu. [et al.] // Glass and Ceramics. - 2017. - Vol.73, №11-12.-P. 415-419. - Doi: 10.1007/s10717-017-9901-8. - Refer.: p. 419.
Abstract: The possibility of using PZT-19 ceramic in a pyroelectric x-ray generator is investigated experimentally. Measurements of the x-ray spectra showed the possibility of obtaining on a ceramic surface in vacuum potentials up to 7 kV, which is very low compared with typical similar values for pyroelectric crystals of lithium niobate and tantalate. This feature is due to the significant permittivity of the ceramic
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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