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Title: Study on the achieving to strong coupling regime for InAs/GaAs quantum dot embedded in the nanocavity
Authors: Mohebbifar, M. R.
Gainutdinov, R. Kh.
Khamadeev, M. A.
Keywords: physics
physical optics
InAs/GaAs quantum dot
strong coupling regime
dressed state
cavity decay rate
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Mohebbifar, M.R. Study on the achieving to strong coupling regime for InAs/GaAs quantum dot embedded in the nanocavity / M.R. Mohebbifar, Gainutdinov R.Kh., M.A. Khamadeev ; Kazan Federal University // Научные ведомости БелГУ. Сер. Математика. Физика. - 2015. - №11(208), вып.39.-С. 205-210.
Abstract: In order to the generation of single photon and the production of dressed states between photons and electrons in nanophotonic structures, achieving strong coupling regime is necessary. One of the best ways achieving to strong coupling, is quantum dots embedded in nanocavitv of photonic crystals
Appears in Collections:№ 11 (208), вып. 39

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