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Title: Pathomorphological indicators of endothelial - erythrocytic dysfunction in type I diabetes: from the period of reproduction to the elderly and senile age
Authors: Pavlova, T. V.
Kaplin, A. N.
Povalyaeva, I. I.
Pavlova, L. A.
Goncharov, I. Yu.
Keywords: medicine
internal illnesses
diabetes mellitus
atomic force microscope
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Pathomorphological indicators of endothelial - erythrocytic dysfunction in type I diabetes: from the period of reproduction to the elderly and senile age / T.V. Pavlova [et al.] // HIV Nursing. - 2021. - Vol.22, №2.-P. 76-82.
Abstract: The study proved that changes in carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus significantly affect the properties of the endothelial-erythrocytic system, and they can be diagnosed using various modern microscopy methods at an early stage
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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