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Title: Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activities
Authors: Irkhin, V. N.
Sazonov, D. N.
Sylka, S. I.
Voronin, I. Yu.
Keywords: pedagogy
higher education
physical culture and recreational activities
deviant behavior
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activities / V.N. Irkhin [et al.] // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. - 2022. - №4.-P. 21-23. - Refer.: p. 23.
Abstract: The results of the study showed the necessity and effectiveness of the use of means of physical culture and recreational activities in the prevention of students' deviant behavior. In the process of use of means of physical culture and recreational activities, attention was focused on getting pleasure from students in order to interrupt their destructive and stereotypical behavioral behavior programs, for which all forms of physical exercises were used aimed at emotionally active rest, entertainment, getting satisfaction from motor activity and comfortable psycho-emotional envi-ronment in the classroom
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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