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Title: Influence of high-voltage constant potential bias on structure and properties of MoN/CrN multilayer composite with different layer thickness = Влияние высоковольтного постоянного потенциала смещения на структуру и свойства многослойного композиционного материала MoN/CrN с разной толщиной слоев
Authors: Grankin, S. S.
Beresnev, V. M.
Sobol, O. V.
Lytovchenko, S. V.
Kolesnikov, D. A.
Keywords: technique
technology of metals
multilayer composite
coating mechanical properties
nitrogen atmosphere
vacuum-arc evaporation
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Influence of high-voltage constant potential bias on structure and properties of MoN/CrN multilayer composite with different layer thickness = Влияние высоковольтного постоянного потенциала смещения на структуру и свойства многослойного композиционного материала MoN/CrN с разной толщиной слоев / S. S. Grankin [и др.] // Problems of atomic science and technology. - 2016. - N1(101).-P. 154-159. - Refer.: p. 158-159.
Abstract: Influence of high-voltage constant potential bias, pressure of nitrogen atmosphere, and thickness of layers on the phase and elemental composition, structure and mechanical properties of the composite multilayer coatings CrN/MoN, which were prepared by the nitrogen vacuum-arc evaporation in atmosphere, was studied. Some possible mechanisms of the fixed increase of the coating mechanical properties are considered
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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