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dc.contributor.authorVolkov, I. S.-
dc.contributor.authorLadygin, V. P.-
dc.contributor.authorSkhomenko, Y. T.-
dc.contributor.authorGurchin, Yu. V.-
dc.contributor.authorVnukov, I. E.-
dc.identifier.citationAnalyzing power in Quasi-elastic protonproton scattering at 500 and 650 MeV/nucleon / I.S. Volkov [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2021. - Vol.2377.-Art. 030020. - (Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists, Dubna, Russia, 9-13 November 2020 ). - Doi: org/10.1063/
dc.description.abstractAnalyzing power in elastic proton-proton scattering was obtained at the Nuclotron Internal Target Station using a polarized deuteron beam and a polyethylene target. The selection of useful events was performed using the time and amplitude information from scintillation counters. The asymmetry on hydrogen was obtained by the subtraction of the carbon background. The obtained analyzing power values are compared with the predictions of the partial-wave analysis SAID at the beam energies of 500 and 650 MeV/nucleonru
dc.subjectelementary particlesru
dc.subjectanalyzing powerru
dc.subjectbeam energiesru
dc.subjectnuclotron dataru
dc.titleAnalyzing power in Quasi-elastic protonproton scattering at 500 and 650 MeV/nucleonru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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