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dc.contributor.authorMeirmanov, A. M.-
dc.contributor.authorGaltseva, O. A.-
dc.contributor.authorGritsenko, S. A.-
dc.identifier.citationMeirmanov, A. M. On homogenized equations of filtration in two domains with common boundary / A.M. Meirmanov, O.A. Galtseva, S.A. Gritsenko // Izvestiya: Mathematics. - 2019. - Vol.83, N2.-P. 330-360. - Doi: - Refer.: p.
dc.description.abstractWe consider an initial-boundary value problem describing the process of filtration of a weakly viscous fluid in two distinct porous media with common boundary. We prove, at the microscopic level, the existence and uniqueness of a generalized solution of the problem on the joint motion of two incompressible elastic porous (poroelastic) bodies with distinct Lam’e constants and different microstructures, and of a viscous incompressible porous fluidru
dc.subjectmathematical analysisru
dc.subjectheterogeneous mediaru
dc.subjectperiodic structureru
dc.subjectLam'e equationsru
dc.subjectStokes equationsru
dc.subjecttwo-scale convergenceru
dc.titleOn homogenized equations of filtration in two domains with common boundaryru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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