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2017New approaches to prevention of NSAID-gastropathyKholodov, D. B.; Nikolaevsky, V. A.; Chernov, Yu. N.; Buzlama, A. V.
2017Tadalafil as an agent of pharmacological preconditioning in ischemic - reperfusion brain injuryMartynova, O. V.
2017Complex correction of psychoemotional and immunological changes in patients with acneSamodai, O. V.; Reznikov, K. M.
2017Preclinical study of pharmacological activity of enterosorbente on the basis of montmorilloniteTishin, A. N.; Tishina, O. M.; Yakushev, V. I.; Beskhmelnitsyna, E. A.; Linnik, M. S.
2017Adaptive design in clinical development of next-in-class drugsVostokova, N. V.; Trakhtenberg, Y. A.; Smolyarchuk, E. A.; Svistunov, A. A.; Serebrova, S. Y.
2017Evaluation of the influence of combinations of drugs for general anesthesia on change of activity of stress-limiting and stress-realizing links on the clinical model of acute stress damageKolesnikov, A. N.; Ignatenko, G. A.; Gorodnik, G. A.; Grigorenko, A. P.; Kolesnikova, A. G.
2017Pharmacological correction of intercept hemodynamics in acute kidney damage (part 1)Shramenko, K. K.; Gorodnik, G. A.; Shano, V. P.; Kuznetsova, I. V.; Grigorenko, A. P.
2017Lipid distress-syndrome and prospects of its correction by statinesDenisiuk, T. A.; Lazareva, G. A.; Provotorov, V. Y.
2017State support for research in pharmacology: an analysis of foreign and domestic experienceSemin, A. A.
2017Research of wound healing effect of phytomineralsorbent on the basis of montmorilloniteKrut, U. A.; Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Korokin, M. V.