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Showing results 546 to 565 of 48510 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Change and persistence in "migrating religions"Michel, O. V.
2020Change of forest-steppe chernozems under the influence of shelterbelts in the south of the central Russian uplandChendev, Yu. G.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Lukin, S. V.; Sauer, T. J.; Belevantsev, V. G.
2004Change of internal stress of carbon superhard condensates at a process of annealingInkin V. N.; Kolpakov A. Y.; Oukhanov S. I.; Barbakov V. I.; Galkina M. E.
2015Change of the electrophysiological function of retina upon decrease of interalveolar space in patents with major dental diseasesVoytiatskaya, I. V.; Tsimbalistov, A. V.; Oleinik, E. A.; Oganesyan, A. A.
2003Change of triglyceride composition of Cucurbitaceae and Taraxacum officinale seed oil during ripeningDeineka, V. I.; Maslov, A. N.; Borzenko, O. N.; Sirotin, A. A.; Deineka, I. A.
2007Changeability dynamics of basic anthropometric indexes of newborn children from regions with different ecological situations = Динамика изменчивости основных антропометрических индексов новорожденных детей в регионах с различными экологическими ситуациямиKrikun, E. N.; Boldyr, V. V.; Kapustin, R. F.; Zinchenko, I. A.
2009Changeability of main morph-functional indexes of newborns in dependence of character of delivery process and their mothers` working places = Изменчивость основных морфофункциональных показателей новорожденных в зависимости от характера протекания родов и места работы их матерейKrikun, E. N.; Boldyr, V. V.; Kapustin, R. F.
2010Changes in misorientations of grain boundaries in titanium during deformationSalishchev, G.; Mironov, S.; Zherebtsov, S.; Belyakov, A.
2017Changes in society and education: educational policies and christian valuesTrifunovic, V. S.
2021Changes in status of soil salinity in North Crimea since 2013, as detected by Landsat 8 OLI dataSavin, I.; Prudnikova, E.
2021Changes in surface properties of PI/WO₂ сoatings after vacuum ultraviolet irradiationCherkashina, N. I.; Pavlenko, V. I.; Noskov, A. V.; Shkaplerov, A. N.; Kuritsyn, A. A.
2019Changes in the atmospheric circulation conditions and regional climatic characteristics in two remote regions since the mid-20th centuryLebedeva, M. G.; Lupo, A. R.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Krymskaya, O. V.; Solovyev, A. B.
2018Changes in the crystal lattice parameters of montmorillonite during its modification by cobalt and aluminum cationsSokolovskiy, P. V.; Roessner, F.; Vezentsev, A. I.; Konkova, T. V.; Alekhina, M. B.
2021Changes in the respiratory function of the heart and brain mitochondria of animals after chronic alcohol intoxication affected by a new GABA derivativePopova, T. A.; Kustova, M. V.; Khusainova, G. Kh.; Perfilova, V. N.; Prokofiev, I. I.
2019Changes in the soil cover under the impact of shortterm climate fluctuationsSmirnova, L. G.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kukharuk, N. S.; Naroznyaya, A. G.; Kukharuk, S. A.; Smirnov, G. V.
2005Changes of biomechanical indexes in bones of rats under the influence of morphine hydrochloridePetrichko, S. A.; Krikun, E. N.
2019Changes of metabolism in animals due to conditions of a purulent wound process while using photomineralisation as dressing toolsKrut, U. A.; Oleynikova, I. I.; Radchenko, A. I.; Kuzubova, E. V.
2020Changes of the biophysical properties of blood corpuscles from the elderly under mechanical stress in vitroSladkova, E. A.; Skorkina, M. Yu.
2014Character and semiological problems of word and sentence correlationAlefirenko, N. F.
2018Characteristically closed domains for first order strictly hyperbolic systems in the planeSoldatov, A. P.